Larry King and Eckhart play a fun game of ‘If You Only Knew,’ revealing his least favorite food and the strangest job he’s ever had.
Larry King and Eckhart play a fun game of ‘If You Only Knew,’ revealing his least favorite food and the strangest job he’s ever had.
We’re pleased to offer you a very special opportunity to sign up for a free 10-day trial of Eckhart Tolle Now. In order to help us learn how to bring more Presence into our work, relationships and daily life, Eckhart created Eckhart Tolle Now.
Eckhart Tolle Now is a membership community that gives people across the world the opportunity to learn from Eckhart Tolle and awaken to a life of purpose and Presence.
Shift your attention from compulsive thinking and worrying to resting in the simple awareness of Presence.
Discover the many entry points into Presence by accessing what Eckhart calls the “Portals to Presence”
Learn how to liberate yourself
from past emotional energy and unconscious patterns.
A critical step in the deepening of Presence is to uncover how the ego reinforces itself in our actions and interactions.
Finding the ideal balance between “Being” and “Doing” is the key to expressing our unique gifts and talents.
Find and live your life purpose by shifting awareness from the surface level of life to the “transcendent” dimension.
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