About Erin Jacobson

President, Eckhart Teachings Cofounder and President, The Eckhart Tolle Foundation

Erin Jacobson, a foundational presence at Eckhart Teachings since its inception in 2000, has dedicated herself to the spiritual well-being of Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng’s vast global audience, which now spans millions.

From the humble beginnings of Eckhart Teachings, where the organization operated out of a tiny living room, Erin has been an integral part of its evolution. Having experienced the entire journey, she embodies a unique perspective in that she has touched nearly every facet of Eckhart Teachings since its modest origins.

Erin has played a pivotal role in disseminating the teachings to the world, moving beyond the early days of folding flyers, customer service, audio/video production and order fulfillment to navigate and usher the organization through various phases spanning more than two decades. Bringing together inspired partnerships committed to the acceleration of consciousness, Erin consistently seeks new ways to make Eckhart and Kim’s teachings more accessible to a broad audience through various channels such as in-person engagements, virtual live events, online courses, multiple free digital platforms, a publishing imprint, The Eckhart Tolle Now community, and The Eckhart Tolle Foundation.

Cofounding The Eckhart Tolle Foundation in 2016, Erin serves as President, furthering the reach of Eckhart and Kim’s teachings to underserved communities such as youth, hospices, and incarcerated people.

Her commitment to upholding the authenticity of the teachings is central to her leadership, with the organization’s primary mission being to disseminate Eckhart and Kim’s spiritual wisdom for the benefit of all.