About Kim Eng

Kim Eng

Kim Eng is a spiritual teacher and the creator of Presence Through Movement (PTM), a powerful practice for awakening consciousness through the body and through movement. As facilitator of Presence Through Movement sessions, Kim leads retreats and workshops internationally in partnership with Eckhart Tolle, the author of the bestselling books The Power of Now and A New Earth. By incorporating Eckhart’s teachings into an embodied practice, Kim enables a deepening of conscious awareness in our physical form. 

Kim has taught throughout the Americas, Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Australia as well as through extensive online courses, including the breakthrough four-week immersion Awakening Through The Pain Body. She is also the creator of the instructional Presence Through Movement videos Qi Flow Yoga and Yin Yoga, and guided audio programs Meditations for A New Earth and Resist Nothing, featuring practices for addressing inner challenges to living a life of presence.

Kim sees our true nature—our essence—as living in and through our human bodies. Through movement and through our bodies, we can return to and awaken pure presence and oneness—to who we are beyond the thinking mind and egoic sense of self—accessing infinite power and creativity.

“When we are connected to Source, and body-mind-spirit are aligned—when we realize who we are at the core of our being—we blossom into our life purpose,” she says. “We cannot help but do so. And that is how we create what Eckhart Tolle calls ‘a new earth.’”

“Kim brings a down-to-earth approach to spirituality which I find very refreshing. In her counseling work with individuals as well as groups, she beautifully sustains the state of Presence and has a great ability for bringing people back into the present moment, the place where all healing occurs and no problem can survive.”

—Eckhart Tolle

Meditations & Teachings